Drawings Caricature Graphic arts Stofy

Name: Stojan Dimov

Address: str. Tshaja 14, Rousse 7001, Bulgaria

GSM: +359 877 222 340

E-mail: sto_d@yahoo.com

1995/2000 - “Depict art” at the High art school “prof. Veselin Stojanov” in Rousse. 2000/2004 - Bachelor, specialization “Pedagogics of the depict art” at the Faculty on visual Arts by university “Saint, saint Kiril and Metody”-Veliko Tarnovo. 2004/2008 - Magisterial by “fine arts – graphics” at the university “Saint, saint Kiril and Metody”- Veliko Tarnovo.

05.2003 - “Mokuhan” – Japanese engraving by master Peter Lazarov. 08.2005 - Workshop of wood engraving in Groningen, Netherlands.

02 – 12.04.2007 - “Rousse, the europeans city of Bulgaria, myth or truth?” The Exhibition was at a Library “L. Karavelov” in Rousse 09 – 28.02.2008 - Exhibition at the “Europeans cultural center Elias Kanety” – Rousse.

My source by insperation is a cityscape of Rousse and urbanspirit. I use marker and sometimes pen for a drawings, and pastel as colour.

copyright DEZZARTY